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This week: AI Hearing Aid + more stories

Wise Tech - Technology news for seniors.

Note: I was on vacation last week and did not publish Wise Tech’s last edition. Thanks for your understanding!

I love how AI can improve Hearing Aids and make it a better experience for wearers!

1. Sonova Launches Hearing Aid with Real-Time AI

What’s the tech? Sonova, a leading hearing aid manufacturer, has introduced a groundbreaking hearing aid that uses real-time artificial intelligence (AI). This is the first hearing aid in the market to have such advanced technology.

How it's used: This new device uses AI (artificial intelligence) to automatically adjust its sound settings based on the environment. Whether you're in a noisy restaurant or a quiet room, the hearing aid can differentiate between various soundscapes and make real-time adjustments to improve sound clarity and comfort.

Why it's news now: Sonova's launch of an AI-driven hearing aid represents a significant advancement in the industry, aiming to improve user satisfaction and accessibility.

Read more on Reuters.

2. Google Found Guilty of Maintaining Search Monopoly

What’s the tech? A federal judge has ruled that Google, a major tech company, acted illegally to maintain its monopoly (exclusive control) in online search. This decision marks an important moment in antitrust law, which is meant to prevent companies from unfairly controlling a market.

How it's used: The ruling could lead to changes in how Google operates and might influence other tech companies. Regulators are working to ensure fair competition, so this case is part of a larger effort to manage the power of big tech firms.

Why it's news now: Google plans to appeal the ruling, arguing that it still faces competition and provides valuable services. The outcome of this case could shape future actions against other tech giants, affecting how they conduct business.

Read more on The New York Times.

3. Delta Air Lines Faces Continued Disruptions After Tech Outage

What’s the tech? Delta Air Lines recently experienced a significant tech outage due to a faulty software update. This outage affected their operations and highlighted the critical importance of strong cybersecurity measures.

How it's used: The tech outage led to many flight cancellations and delays, impacting thousands of passengers. It underscores how even minor IT (information technology) failures can cause big disruptions in the aviation industry.

Why it's news now: Delta is working hard to fix the issues and prevent similar problems in the future. As airlines depend more on technology, this incident raises questions about the reliability of their IT systems and may prompt a reevaluation of their crisis management strategies.

Read more on Business Standard.

Bonus Topic: AI-Powered Robot Plays Ping Pong

What is it about? Google DeepMind has created an AI-powered robot that can play table tennis (ping pong) at an amateur human level. This robot represents a significant step forward in the field of robotics.

What it does: The robot was designed to handle basic tasks, like returning the ball, as well as more complex tasks, such as strategizing and planning. It played against human opponents, winning all matches against beginners and some against intermediate players, but losing to advanced opponents.

Why it's news now: This development is a milestone for robotics, as it shows progress toward achieving human-level performance in real-world tasks. The technology used in this project could have applications beyond table tennis, advancing the capabilities of AI in various fields.

Conversation starter: "Did you hear about the robot that can play ping pong? It's amazing to think about how robots are becoming more like us in their abilities. What other activities do you think AI could learn to do in the future?"

Read more on The Next Web.

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